Student attendance support programs
Student Attendance Support
The IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), TC5 have generously provided student attendance support up to four (4) international students ($500 each) and up to eight (8) Egyptian student attendance grants (2000 EGP each) to support their student members to attend IEEE-CPERE 2023. To qualify for the attendance support, you must be
Registered for the conference.
A presenting author (oral or poster);
Willing to perform some volunteer duties during the conference.
Being a Student (Preferable IEEE student member);
Awards are selected by a Conference committee based on PELS Sponsorship. Selection will be based on the qualification and financial needs of the applicant. A check will be issued to the awardees during the conference.
To be considered for the IEEE-CPERE student attendance support, please submit your application by January 25, 2023 to with the title “Student Attendance Support”. If you have any questions, please contact